Monday, July 27, 2009

Fear of Man

This is something I posted on another blog I write for last year.

Fear of man is one of the most insidious tools the devil uses to deter us from sharing the gospel. It is a sin because it detracts from God by not trusting Him where we are commanded to trust Him. Jesus destroys this in Matthew 10, where He talks about all the fierce opposition that His followers would receive, from insults to actual physical harm, then tells them not to fear them, and instead to fear God, who can do far more. If God be for us, who can be successful against us? No one! (Just a note: this post is in no particular order, I am merely sharing some thoughts on a subject close to my heart. Please bear with me) Back to Matthew 10, Jesus suffered, why should we not share in those sufferings? Don't misunderstand me, I am not saying we can add anything to Christ's once-for-all, perfect sacrifice, but "Is a slave greater than his master?" No, for "if they called the head of the house Beelzebub, how much more will they malign the members of His house." Peter and John rejoiced in Acts to be counted worthy to suffer for Christ's sake, as did Paul. To fight fear of man, we need to cultivate a steadfast faith in the unshakeable promises of God. To do that, we need to pray for God's help, become acquainted with God's character, especially His faithfulness and unchangeableness, and meditate on His promises. When we recognize that these promises come from God who cannot lie, and realize our future hope to which even death pales in comparison, we will be more equipped to share the gospel with whomever God puts in our path. Christ is worthy of all we have and much more, and though it is hard, He is worth it. Don't think this is all the Bible says about this subject, I haven't even covered 1/8th of it, so I encourage anyone, especially if they struggle with this, to study it and learn how to fight it in God's strength.

Boasting only in the cross,


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