Thursday, April 16, 2009

Update for those who care.

A lot has happened since I got back from the Ukraine in January, and in this post I will try to summarize the key points and recount what God is doing in my life.

1. The expansion of our evangelism ministry.

In February, after the arrival of a brother who was experienced in and had a passion for evangelism, we experienced growth that we didn't ask for and could not even imagine. One Friday, on a night me and Andy, my fellow laborer, had set aside to go out and practice what we preach, sharing the gospel downtown, we had a flood of calls from people asking if they could go with us. Most of them had been going to our training meetings and had gone to the Fort Worth Stock Show with us, and now went downtown with us. After that one night, we decided, by popular demand, to establish Friday night as an official ministry date when we go downtown and hand out tracts and share the gospel with people. This is still continuing to grow, partly due to the next big event in my life and the lives of others in our church.

2. The Missions Conference.

At the end of February, my church had a missions conference with several missionary speakers, two of whom I had had mission trip experience with: Chris Johnson, from To Every Tribe Ministries, and Eric Mock, from Slavic Gospel Association. The entire conference was incredible and God used it in the lives of several families and young people, with 15 dedicating themselves to being ready to go wherever the Lord leads. I was one of these people, but it was not just the emotion of the conference that led me to make this decision. It was a combination of all the mission trips I have been on in the past 2 years and the ministry I have been doing downtown, and I can't think of anything else I want to do, whether on the international mission field or not.

There is so much more, but these are the key things that have been used by God to direct me.

Because of the Cross,

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