Monday, February 9, 2009

Divine Appointment

God blessed what I thought was an accident caused by my fumbling around my new Bluetooth headset, and used it to send a divine appoinment, a brother who was struggling and needed prayer and encouragement. It amazes me how God is sovereign even over what we call "accidents".

Because He lives!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ukraine Journal Post #1-January 2-3, 2009

Here it is: Journal Entry #1 from the Ukraine.

Mission Ukraine 2009

January 3

"Landed in Frankfurt after a long transatlantic flight where we basically got pampered. Drinks, dinner, entertainment, and scant sleep. Sat next to an Army guy returning from leave; and I didn't take advantage of the brief opportunity I had to share the gospel with him, but gave him a tract at the end. Worked on my lesson/sermon/devotional that I procrastinated on over the break. I pray that I may still glorify God in it. We met Ruth Deyneka Erdel and Eric Mock at the airport in Chicago yesterday. Ruth is the daughter of the founder of Slavic Gospel Association, Peter Deyneka, and she is also a well-traveled missionary. She told us a jaw-dropping story about her connection to the Ecuador 5 murders, and about her and her first husband's relationships with those men and their wives, even how her husband helped bury them. It was amazing! Expecting great and mighty things from our great and mighty God."

Stay tuned for more. It gets better.